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Your Burning Questions Answered

Not at all. This is probably one of the most common questions. People of all shapes, sizes and ages can start CrossFit. Our coaching staff will scale the workout to your level and substitute exercises if you need to. In fact, functional training like CrossFit is one of the most effective ways to build fitness.

We will never push you to do something that you’re not ready for. You’ll progress through the more challenging skills as you go along, but only when you’re ready. CrossFit workout are designed to be high-intensity, but it’s intensity relevant to YOU. That’s why every class is coached. Our job is to keep you motivated, moving safely
and working to your level.

We provide all members with access to SugarWOD, where you can log your scores, weights, times etc so you see how you’re improving over time. It will calculate lift percentages for you, display leader boards, and after class you can exchange fist bumps and encourage your fellow members on the app. You can control individual privacy levels and your fitness data stays yours, export anytime.

We have two membership choices. Flexi Membership: you can cancel with just 30 days’ notice, giving you flexibility or a 26-Week Contract: This option offers a lower-cost choice for those seeking a longer commitment.

Sure thing! If you’re an experienced CrossFitter just reach out to one of our team and we can book you into a class. Drop ins are $28 per class.

Of course! Monday to Friday 9:30am class has free child minding.